The Spiritual and Educational
Growth of Your Child are Supported by
Christian Warmth and Understanding.

Installation, School Kick-Off and Brunch

Installation, School Kick-Off & Brunch – Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 25th. We will have installation of our new preschool teacher, MaKenna Adsit, during the 9:00 worship service. Our kindergarten starts on Monday, August 26th and preschool will start September 4th & 5th, so this will serve as our kick-off to the school year as well. We will have a brunch with lots of time for fellowship as we welcome our newest teacher, MaKenna.

All of our school families are welcome and encouraged to attend this special service where we will welcome Ms. Adsit, ask God to Bless our upcoming school year, our Pastor & teachers, school staff, volunteers and of course our wonderful students and families! Following the 9:00 service, we invite you to stay for brunch in the gym, enjoy fellowship time with the teachers, Heritage members and of course have the opportunity to get to know some of the other school families prior to school starting. The classrooms will also be open for you to take a peek at all the hard work the teachers have been putting in this summer to get ready for the upcoming school year! We hope you will be able to join us!
As we prepare for this special service and meal, it would be helpful for our planning purposes if you could email me ( to let me know if your family plans to attend. Let me know if you plan to be there and indicate how many from your family will attend. An RSVP is helpful but not mandatory, so if you find yourself available on Sunday, August 25th but you didn’t RSVP, please join us anyway!!